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Version 2022.0.9

Web SDK 2

We are currently working on the next generation of web SDK that is smaller and even faster than its prior generation. It is currently available for real-time viewing of channels. Please refer to for the latest available version.

Channel Viewer

Join a channel and automatically view the most recent content published to that channel.

View interactive and editable example on JSFiddle

View example on Github

var videoElement = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
var channel = phenix.Channels.createChannel({
    videoElement: videoElement,
    token: token

channel.authorized.subscribe(function(authorized) {
    if (!authorized) {
        // Channel is unauthorized, skipping retry of start. Please provide a new token and invoke channel.start()

channel.autoMuted.subscribe(function(autoMuted) {
    if (autoMuted) {
        // Show unmute button so a user-triggered action triggers channel.unmute()

channel.autoPaused.subscribe(function(autoPaused) {
    if (autoPaused) {
        // Show play button so a user-triggered action triggers


Name Type Description
options (required) CreateChannelOptions Options to join channel with

Create Channel Options

Name Type Default Value Description
videoElement (required) HTMLMediaElement Video element that will show the stream
token (required) String EdgeToken used to connect and authenticate to the platform and subscribe to a stream.

Creating EdgeToken

To generate EdgeToken you must have a channel ID or an alias. Check out our EdgeAuth libraries for how to generate edge tokens on your backend. This is the recommended way to issue authentication tokens.

[object Channel]

Name Type Description
authorized Observable(boolean) Observable for channel authorized state.
autoMuted Observable(boolean) Observable for channel autoMuted state.
autoPaused Observable(boolean) Observable for channel autoPaused state.
clearBitrateLimit Function Clear bitrate limit that was prior set. View example on Github
failureCount Observable(number) Observable for channel failureCount.
loading Observable(boolean) Observable is channel loading.
online Observable(boolean) Observable is channel online.
playing Observable(boolean) Observable is channel playing.
rtcStats Observable(RtcMonitorStatistic) Observable for channel RTC stats check.
setBitrateLimit Function Set a bitrate limit for the received stream. View example on Github
standby Observable(boolean) Observable is channel in standby mode.
state Observable(ChannelState) Observable that returns channel current state.
stopped Observable(boolean) Observable is channel stopped.
streamId String Stream ID.
token String EdgeToken used to connect and authenticate to the platform and subscribe to a stream.
tokenExpiring Observable(boolean) Observable that returns tokenExpiring state.
videoElement VideoElement Video element that will show the stream.

Channel State

Role Value Description
Offline 1 Channel is in Offline state.
Starting 2 Channel is already starting, skipping retry of start.
Paused 3 Channel is paused, skipping retry of start. Please invoke play().
Playing 4 Channel is playing, skipping retry of start.
Recovering 5 Channel tries to recover from some state will retry to reconnect.
Reconnecting 6 Channel is reconnecting after being disconnected.
StandBy 7 Channel will try to connect to the stream in StandBy interval (15000ms).
Stopped 8 Channel is stopped, skipping retry of start.
Unauthorized 9 Channel is unauthorized, skipping retry of start. Please provide a new token and invoke start().
GeoRestricted 10 Channel is geo restricted, skipping retry of start. Please provide a new token and invoke start().
GeoBlocked 11 Channel is geo blocked, skipping retry of start. Please provide a new token and invoke start().
Error 12 Channel is not able to subscribe to stream due to a general failed subscription.
UnsupportedFeature 13 Channel is not supporting the requested feature on this browser. This can be due to browser limitations or missing configuration for a player for the requested capability.

Rtc Monitor Statistic Object

Property Value
audio RtcStatistic Audio Object
video RtcStatistic Video Object

RtcStatistic Audio Object

Property Type Description
ssrc Number An integer which uniquely identifies the source of the RTP stream.
mediaType String Kind/Media type of the stream.
timestamp Number UNIX time stamp of when the statistics is captured.
bytesReceived Number Bytes received.
packetsLost Number Packets lost.
packetsReceived Number Packets received.
codec String Codec used to decode data.
roundTripTime Number Round Trip Time of the webRTC connection.

RtcStatistic Video Object

Property Type Description
ssrc Number An integer which uniquely identifies the source of the RTP stream.
mediaType String Kind/Media type of the stream.
timestamp Number UNIX time stamp of when the statistics is captured.
bytesReceived Number Bytes received.
framesDecoded Number Frames decoded.
packetsLost Number Packets lost.
packetsReceived Number Packets received.
codec String Codec used to decode data.
fps Number Frames per second.
roundTripTime Number Round Trip Time of the webRTC connection.

Limit Bitrate

Limit the bitrate limit for the received stream. View example on Github


Property Type Description
bitrateLimitInBitsPerSecond Number Bitrate limit of the stream.
    var bitrateLimitInBitsPerSecond = 500000;


Clear Bitrate Limit

Clear bitrate limit that was prior set. View example on Github


Hosted Backend

A hosted backend provides a highly scalable channel viewer UI that can be used as a web page or embedded into any web page. It is a turn key solution that provides fast time to market without compromise in quality and scale.

The hosted backend is hosted on the Phenix infrastructure and benefits from the resilience and failover capabilities of the Phenix platform.

In order to be able to use a hosted backend, your account needs to be provisioned accordingly. Please contact your primary Phenix technical support contact if you wish to use a hosted backend.

Embedding A Channel

A channel from a hosted backend can be embedded via <iframe>. Additional options are require to assure smooth playback across all platforms.

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen>
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

Lifecycle Events

You can listen to lifecycle events for the embedded channel. The channel uses the postMessage API to securely send notifications to the parent window.

window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);

function receiveMessage(event) {
  console.log({timeStamp: event.timeStamp, data:});

Types of Lifecycle Events

Lifecylce events are emitted for the view channel API, both for joining the channel and stream subscriptions.

Joining A Channel

After the channel joined successfully, it emits a lifecycle event for the join channel callback.

  "timeStamp": 312.5,
  "data": {
    "channelAlias": "embedded_channel",
    "action": "joinChannel",
    "type": "joinChannelCallback",
    "status": "ok"

In case there is an issue joining the channel, the status will be one of the join channel callback status codes.

Subscribing to A Stream

Subsequently, when the channel subscribed to the active stream, it emits a lifecycle event for the subscriber callback.

  "timeStamp": 692.3,
  "data": {
    "channelAlias": "embedded_channel",
    "action": "joinChannel",
    "type": "subscriberCallback",
    "status": "ok"

In case there is an issue subscribing to an active stream, the status will be one of the join channel subscriber callback status codes.

Edge Authentication

You can use EdgeAuth tokens with the channel viewer of your hosted backend.

<iframe src="<your-token>#embedded_channel" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen>
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

To detect the case when the edge auth token has expired and must be refreshed, please listen for the subscriberCallback with status unauthorized.


The Web SDK APIs are split into two main categories: Express and Low-Level. We recommend that you start with the Express API as this:

  1. Simplifies integration
  2. Automatically recovers from stream failures
  3. Handles edge cases such as network reconnects

For more information see the Express API

If you find that the Express API doesn’t work for you, take a look at our Lower Level API;

Latest Release

Please refer to for the latest available version.

Bundling in your app

The Web SDK is available on GitHub and can be installed as a pre-built universal module using several dependency management tools. The Web SDK may be included directly in the browser or bundled using your favorite bundling tool such as Webpack or Rollup. For a full list of browser support see Browser Support


yarn add phenix-web-sdk


npm install -S phenix-web-sdk


bower install -S phenix-web-sdk


The universal module is available uncompressed and minified.



For support with React Native use the following bundles. For more information about integrating in your React Native app, see Initializing with React Native.



Including with a bundler

Use your favorite bundling tool such as Webpack or Rollup.

ES6 Modules

import * as sdk from 'phenix-web-sdk';
// Or Import just what you need
import {express, utils, net} from 'phenix-web-sdk';

Common JS

const sdk = require('phenix-web-sdk');


define(['phenix-web-sdk'], function (sdk) {
    // use sdk

Loading Directly in the Browser

Load it directly in the browser in a script tag.

var sdk = window['phenix-web-sdk'];

Initializing With Ember.js

If you are using ember.js for your frontend, then you can add the Web SDK by generating a vendor shim:

ember generate vendor-shim phenix-web-sdk

Then modify ember-cli-build.js as shown:

Add the following imports in your ember-cli-build.js:

  development: 'bower_components/phenix-web-sdk/dist/phenix-web-sdk.js',
  production: 'bower_components/phenix-web-sdk/dist/phenix-web-sdk.min.js'

After that you can use the Web SDK in your code:

import sdk from 'phenix-web-sdk';
// use sdk


We recommend that you include the minified version of the web-sdk in your production app or bundle(s). We optimize this bundle for size using smart transformations.

Alias with webpack

You can alias phenix-web-sdk in your webpack production config to use the minified version.

    resolve: {
        alias: {
            'phenix-web-sdk': path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules', 'phenix-web-sdk/dist/phenix-web-sdk.min.js'),

Browser Support

Real-Time Support Matrix

OS OS Version Platform Platform Version Codecs Publishing Subscribing
macOS 10.13+ Chrome 56+ VP8, H264
macOS 10.13+ Firefox 30+ VP8, H264
macOS 10.13+ Opera 43+ VP8, H264
macOS 10.13+ Safari 11+ VP8 (10.14.4+)*, H264
Unix 16+ Ubuntu Chrome 56+ VP8, H264
Unix 16+ Ubuntu Firefox 30+ VP8, H264
Windows 8+ Chrome 56+ VP8, H264
Windows 8+ Firefox 30+ VP8, H264
Windows 10+ Edge 80+ VP8, H264
Windows 10+ Edge 15-18 VP8, H264
Windows 8+ Opera 43+ VP8, H264
Windows 8+ IE 10+ Flash fallback
Android 7+ Chrome 56+ VP8, H264 (Partial)
Android 7+ Firefox 44+ VP8, H264
iOS 11+ Safari 11+ VP8 (12.2+), H264
iOS 11+ Chrome 66+ H264

* Also available for macOS 10.13.6 and 10.12.6

Live Support Matrix (HLS + Dash)

To enable HLS or DASH live streaming, you can add the Streaming capability on the publisher

OS OS Version Platform Platform Version Players
macOS 10.13+ Chrome 23+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
macOS 10.13+ Firefox 42+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
macOS 10.13+ Safari 6+ HLS Native, hls.js
Unix 16+ Ubuntu Chrome 23+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Unix 16+ Ubuntu Firefox 42+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Windows 8+ Chrome 23+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Windows 10+ Edge 80+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Windows 10+ Edge 15-18 Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Windows 8+ Firefox 42+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Windows 8+ IE 11+ Phenix Web Player
Android 7+ Chrome 23+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Android 7+ Firefox 42+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
Android 7+ Webview 36+ Phenix Web Player, Shaka
iOS 11+ Safari 6+ HLS Native
iOS 11+ Chrome 56+ HLS Native
iOS 11+ Webview 6+ HLS Native

React Native Support

In order to use the web-sdk with React Native we require that you first shim WebRTC via react-native-webrtc and then shim the Web SDK.

For a full example, see our Example

Shim the webrtc globals

import {
} from 'react-native-webrtc';

global = Object.assign(global, {

After that you need to include the Web SDK and shim the environment

import sdk from 'phenix-web-sdk/dist/phenix-web-sdk-react-native.min';

// use sdk

Express Web SDK

Our Express APIs provide a simple, single-step API for the easiest integration of streaming into your application

Common Use Cases

Channel Express

Single-step configuration based API for setting up a channel - a one-size-fits-all solution for all your one-to-many streaming applications. The Channel Express extends the lower-level Room Service API to provide easy solutions to:


Initialization is a critical step in the lifecycle of viewing a channel. Once ChannelExpress is initialized, the client connects to our Platform. This connection utilizes sophisticated recovery mechanisms to deal with network changes and/or temporary connectivity issues.

Due to the inherit scale that some channels bring along, the ChannelExpress needs to be initialized as soon as possible after the end user loads the web app. This approach provides our platform the necessary telemetry to adjust the capacity to the actual size of the audience which may exceed hundreds of thousands of concurrent users.

var channelExpress = new;


Name Type Description
adminApiProxyClient (optional) [object AdminApiProxyClient] The class responsible for requesting auth and stream tokens.
features (optional) [Array Feature] The list of features you would like supported
onError (optional) Function Function to be called when authentication fails or a failure occurs that is unrecoverable.
authToken (optional) String An authentication token used to connect to the platform. If not passed in, one will be generated automatically by querying the provided backend uri (may happen multiple times depending on the lifetime of the session).
pcastExpress (optional) [object PCastExpress] Optionally pass in an already instantiated PCastExpress. This reduces the amount of overhead and is preferred to instantiating separate instances. If provided backendUri and authenticationData are not required.
treatBackgroundAsOffline (optional) Boolean Treat background as offline. This is especially useful on iOS browsers where the network connection may be stopped when the browser is in background. This forces a reconnect upon entering foreground which can greatly improve the time to reconnect.
reAuthenticateOnForeground (optional) Boolean Re-authenticate when entering foreground. This will force the session and connection to be revalidated upon entering foreground. This is automatically set to true if the treatBackgroundAsOffline option is enabled.
shakaLoader (optional) function(callback) Function that asynchronously returns the instance of Shaka Player. See npm.js shaka-player. Certified version 2.5.X.
webPlayerLoader (optional) function(callback) Function that asynchronously returns the instance of the Phenix Web Player. It’s recommended to use the Phenix Web Player to play DASH/HLS streams. See npm.js phenix-web-player. Certified version >=2020.0.2.

Clean Up Channel Express

Dispose of all connections and clean up handlers.


Enabling DASH/HLS Playback

The player for DASH/HLS is loaded asynchronously to enable lazy loading for this functionality on-demand. This speeds up startup and thus time to first frame for the real-time use case by not loading modules that are not required.

The exact approach how to load the player asynchronously depends on the bundling framework. Webpack 4.X supports lazy loading.

Plain Vanilla Javascript Example

options.webPlayerLoader = function(callback) {
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.onload = function() {
    script.src = '';

options.shakaLoader = function(callback) {
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.onload = function() {
    script.src = '';


React.js + Webpack 4.X Example:

options.webPlayerLoader = (callback) => {
    import(/* webpackChunkName: "phenix-web-player" */ 'phenix-web-player').then(module => {
        const webPlayer = module.default;

    }).catch(e => {
        console.error('Failed to load phenix web player', e);

options.shakaLoader = (callback) => {
    import(/* webpackChunkName: "shaka-player" */ 'shaka-player').then(module => {
        const shaka = module.default;
        const canPlayHls: document.createElement('video').canPlayType('application/') === 'maybe';

        if (!canPlayHls && !shaka.Player.isBrowserSupported()) {

    }).catch(e => {
        console.error('Failed to load shaka', e);


View a Channel

Join a channel and automatically view the most recent content published to that channel.

View interactive and editable example on JSFiddle

View example on Github

var options = {
    alias: 'MyAwesomeChannel',
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

channelExpress.joinChannel(options, function joinChannelCallback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status === 'room-not-found') {
        // Handle channel not found - Create a Channel Or Publish to a Channel
    } else if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully joined channel
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.channelService) {
        // Do something with channelService
}, function subscriberCallback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status === 'no-stream-playing') {
        // Handle no stream playing in channel - Wait for one to start
    } else if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully subscribed to most recent channel presenter
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.mediaStream) {
        // Do something with mediaStream

    if (response.renderer) {
        // Returned if videoElement option passed in - Do something with renderer

        response.renderer.on('autoMuted', function handleAutoMuted() {
            // The browser refused to play video with audio therefore the stream was started muted.
            // Handle this case properly in your UI so that the user can unmute its stream

        response.renderer.on('failedToPlay', function handleEnded(reason) {
            if (reason === 'failed-to-play') {
               // Failed to play media stream
            if (reason === 'failed-to-play-unmuted') {
               // Failed to play media stream given the auto mute was disabled
            if (reason === 'paused-by-background') {
                // Unable to resume playback after pause in Safari


Name Type Description
options (required) Options Options to join channel with
joinChannelCallback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of joining the channel. See Join Channel Callback Arguments
subscriberCallback (required) Function Function to call on when the most recent presenter changes. See Express Subscribe Callback Arguments


Name Type Default Value Description
alias (required) String Alias of the channel to view
channelId (optional) String Alternative to alias - Id of the channel to view
streamSelectionStrategy (optional) String most-recent Strategy for selecting streams
streamToken (optional) String A stream token used to connect to the stream. If wildcard tokens are not enabled on the stream and no stream token is passed in, then one will be generated automatically by querying the provided backend uri (may happen multiple times depending on the lifetime of the session).
subscriberOptions (optional) [Object SubscriberOptions] Additional options to use when subscribing.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed in, you may manually attach the media stream to an element.

Stream Selection Strategy

Strategy Description
most-recent Select the most recent stream. Viewing stream changes any time a stream starts or is updated in the room.
high-availability Select streams for increased reliability and redundancy. Viewing stream will only change in the event of a failure of the prior selected stream.

Join Channel Callback Response

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Join Room Callback Status Codes.
channelService [object ChannelService] The channel service object.
channel [object Channel] An immutable channel object containing the information about the channel.

Join Channel Callback Status Codes

Status Description
ok Successfully joined the channel.
not-found The channel that is being joined does not exist.
<varies> Joining channel failed for other reasons.

[object ChannelService]

Name Signature Returns Description
getChatService () [object ChatService] The chat service associated with the channel.

[object Channel]

Name Signature Returns Description
getChannelId () string The channel ID.
getObservableAlias () Observable(of string) Observable of channel alias.
getObservableName () Observable(of string) Observable of channel name.
getObservableDescription () Observable(of string) Observable of channel description.
getObservableType () Observable(of string) Observable of channel type. Will be equal to Channel.
getObservableMembers () Observable(of array) Observable of array of visible members in the channel.
toJson () object Returns channel object with current observable values.

[object Member]

Name Signature Returns Description
getSessionId () string The session ID of the member.
getObservableRole () Observable(of string) Observable of member role.
getObservableState () Observable(of string) Observable of member state.
getObservableScreenName () Observable(of string) Observable of member screen name.
getObservableStreams () Observable(of array) Observable of array of streams belonging to the member.
getObservableLastUpdate () Observable(of number) Observable of utc timestamp.
getLastUpdate () Number Current last update value of the member.

Member Roles

Role Description
Participant Member with streams and is visible to all members.
Audience Member with no streams and is not visible to other members.
Presenter Presenter participant member.
Moderator Privileged participant member.

Member States

Role Description
Active Member is active.
Passive Member is not active.
HandRaised Member is requesting to become active.
Inactive Member is not active.
Offline Member has left the room.

[object Stream]

The stream object represent any stream resource.

Name Signature Returns Description
getUri () string The stream uri representing the stream resource
getType () string The stream type
getObservableAudioState () Observable(of string) Observable of stream video state
getObservableVideoState () Observable(of string) Observable of stream audio state

Stream Types

Type Description
Presentation Presentation stream
Audio Audio-only stream
User General purpose stream

Stream Track States

State Description
TrackEnabled Track is enabled
TrackDisabled Track is disabled
TrackEnded Track has ended

Join Channel Subscriber Callback Status Codes

Status Description
ok Successfully subscribed to the presenter.
no-stream-playing There is no presenter in channel to subscribe to. Waiting for a presenter to appear in channel.
unsupported-features The type of stream is not compatible with the enabled feature set of the browser. E.g. real-time on IE.
unauthorized Access to stream was no authorized. Check if your edge token uses the correct channel alias.
<varies> Subscribe to presenter failed for other reasons. Note that channel express automatically retries failure condition that are retriable including failover.

[Object SubscriberOptions]

Name Type Default Description
targetLatency (optional) number 8 The target latency to achieve when playing back Dash or HLS streams.
receiveAudio (optional) boolean true Whether or not to receive audio on the stream.
receiveVideo (optional) boolean true Whether or not to receive video on the stream.
disableAudioIfNoOutputFound (optional) boolean false Whether to disable audio if no audio is found to avoid stream monitor failures.
disableAutoMuting (optional) boolean false Whether to disable fall back to muted streams if browser refuses auto play of audio.
iceConnectionTimeout (optional) number 12000 The default timeout in milliseconds for the ICE connection to successfully connect.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream

Publish to a Channel

Publish a local or remote media to a channel. Users that are viewing the channel will see your media.

View interactive and editable example on JSFiddle

View example on Github

var options = {
    channel: {
        name: 'MyAwesomeChannel',
        alias: 'MyAwesomeChannelAlias' // Not required but if it is provided we will use this as the alias instead of pre-generating one for you.
    publishToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    mediaConstraints: {audio: true, video: true},
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

channelExpress.publishToChannel(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully published to channel
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.publisher) {
        // Do something with publisher


Name Type Description
options (required) Options Options to publish to channel with
callback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of publishing to the channel


Name Type Default Value Description
channel (required) Object Channel Options
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to publish with.
mediaConstraints (required) Object Media constraints on the getting the user media. For example - {audio: true, video: true}
userMediaStream (optional) Object alternative to mediaConstraints - you can pass user media stream returned from getUserMedia.
streamUri (optional) String alternative to mediaConstraints. Use to publish remote media. Link to remote media (mp4, rtmp, etc.)
streamType (optional) String Presenter Type of stream to publish. See Stream Types
memberRole (optional) String Presentation Role of member to join channel as (used if not already in channel). See Member Roles
enableWildcardCapability (optional) (deprecated) bool true Generate wildcard stream tokens to be appended to member’s stream uri. Reduces time for subscribing to published stream.
resolution (optional) number 720 Desired size of the video
frameRate (optional) number 15 Desired frame rate of the video
aspectRatio (optional) string 16x9 Desired aspect ratio of the video
onResolveMedia (optional) function Returns the options that were used to successfully get user media
publishToken (optional) String This token is a publish token that will include all capabilities and access rights to publish.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object Options for monitoring a publisher for failure.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for publishing from a remote source.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream
prerollSkipDuration (optional) int 500 Remote media only. The amount of milliseconds to skip at the beginning of the media.

Channel Options

Name Type Default Value Description
name (required) String Channel Name
alias (Optional) String Channel Alias. If not passed in, it will be generated for you
description (Optional) String Description of the Channel

Publish To Channel Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Publish Callback Status Codes
publisher [object Publisher] Phenix publisher object

Publish Screen to a Channel

Publish your screen, tab, or application window to a channel. The channel will be created if a channel corresponding to the Channel Options passed does not exist. If you have not entered the channel via joinChannel or publishToChannel methods then a model for Self will be created.

var options = {
    channel: {
        name: 'MyAwesomeChannel',
        alias: 'MyAwesomeChannelAlias' // Not required but if it is provided we will use this as the alias instead of pre-generating one for you.
    publishToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    mediaConstraints: {audio: true, video: true},
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

channelExpress.publishScreenToChannel(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully published to channel
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.publisher) {
        // Do something with publisher


Name Type Description
options (required) Options Options to publish to channel with
callback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of publishing to the room


Name Type Default Value Description
channel (required) Object Channel Options
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to publish with.
mediaConstraints (optional) Object {screen: true} Media constraints on the getting the user media.
userMediaStream (optional) Object alternative to mediaConstraints - you can pass user media stream returned from getUserMedia.
streamType (optional) String Presenter Type of stream to publish. See Stream Types
memberRole (optional) String Presentation Role of member to join channel as (used if not already in channel). See Member Roles
enableWildcardCapability (optional) (deprecated) bool true Generate wildcard stream tokens to be appended to member’s stream uri. Reduces time for subscribing to published stream.
resolution (optional) number 720 Desired size of the video
frameRate (optional) number 15 Desired frame rate of the video
aspectRatio (optional) string 16x9 Desired aspect ratio of the video
onResolveMedia (optional) function Returns the options that were used to successfully get user media
publishToken (optional) String This token is a publish token that will include all capabilities and access rights to publish.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object {options: {monitorFrameRate: false, videoBitRateThreshold: 1000, conditionCountForNotificationThreshold: 8}} Options for monitoring a publisher for failure.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for publishing from a remote source.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream

Publish Screen To Channel Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Publish Callback Status Codes
publisher [object Publisher] Phenix publisher object

Create a Channel

var options = {
    channel: {
        name: 'MyAwesomeChannel',
        alias: 'MyAwesomeChannelAlias' // Not required but if it is provided we will use this as the alias instead of pre-generating one for you.

channelExpress.createChannel(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status === 'already-exists') {
        // Channel already exists
        // Do something with channelService
    } else if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully created channel
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.channelService) {
        // Do something with channelService


Name Type Description
options (required) Options Options to create channel with
callback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of creating to the channel. See Create Channel Callback Arguments


Name Type Default Value Description
channel (required) Object Channel Options

Express Create Channel Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Create Room Callback Status Codes
channel [object Room] Immutable Phenix room object

Room Express

Single-step configuration based API for setting up a room - a solution for all your other streaming applications including Group Broadcast, Group Chat, and One to One Chat. The Room Express extends the lower-level Room Service API to provide easy solutions to:


var roomExpress = new;


Name Type Description
adminApiProxyClient (optional) (deprecated) [object AdminApiProxyClient] It manages tokens if they are not passed in via options. Can not be used together with authToken, publishToken and streamToken options.
features (optional) [Array Feature] The list of features you would like supported.
onError (optional) Function Function to be called when authentication fails or a failure occurs that is unrecoverable.
authToken (optional) String A token used for authentication.
pcastExpress (optional) [object PCastExpress] Optionally pass in an already instantiated PCastExpress. This reduces the amount of overhead and is preferred to instantiating separate instances. If provided backendUri and authenticationData are not required.
treatBackgroundAsOffline (optional) Boolean Treat background as offline. This is especially useful on iOS browsers where the network connection may be stopped when the browser is in background. This forces a reconnect upon entering foreground which can greatly improve the time to reconnect.
reAuthenticateOnForeground (optional) Boolean Re-authenticate when entering foreground. This will force the session and connection to be revalidated upon entering foreground. This is automatically set to true if the treatBackgroundAsOffline option is enabled.

Clean Up Room Express

Dispose of all connections and clean up handlers.


Join a Room

Join a room and automatically subscribe to member changes.

var options = {
    role: 'Audience',
    alias: 'MyAwesomeRoomAlias', // Not required but if its provided we will use this as the alias instead of pre-generating one for you.
    screenName: 'MyAwesomeScreenName'

roomExpress.joinRoom(options, function joinRoomCallback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status === 'room-not-found') {
        // Handle room not found - Create a Room Or Publish to a Room
    } else if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully joined room
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.roomService) {
        // Do something with roomService
}, function membersChangedCallback(members) {
    // Successfully subscribed to observable members

    // Do something with members


Name Type Description
options (required) Options Options to join room with
joinRoomCallback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of joining the room
membersChangedCallback (required) Function Function to call on when the participant members in the room changes. Returns array of Members.


Name Type Default Value Description
role (required) String Member Role to join room as
alias (required) String Alias of the room to view
roomId (optional) String Alternative to alias - Id of the room to view
screenName (optional) String Member screen name to join room with
streams (optional) Array of Objects Streams to join room with

Express Join Room Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Join Room Callback Status Codes
roomService [object RoomService] Phenix room service object
room [object Room] Immutable Phenix room object

Subscribe to a Member’s Stream

Subscribe to a room member’s stream and automatically handle audio and video state changes.

var memberStream = member.getObservableStreams().getValue()[0];
var options = {
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

roomExpress.subscribeToMemberStream(memberStream, options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully subscribed to stream
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.mediaStream) {
        // Do something with mediaStream


Name Type Description
memberStream (required) [object Stream] The room member’s stream to subscribe to
options (required) Subscribe to Member’s Stream Options PCast Express Subscribe Options to subscribe to member stream with.
callback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of subscribing to the member stream

Subscribe to Member’s Stream Options

Name Type Default Value Description
streamToken (optional) String The subscribe token generated using the Admin API. If not passed one will be generated automatically by querying the backend uri that was passed when instantiating the Express API.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object Monitor Options
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for subscribing
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream
subscriberOptions (optional) [Object SubscriberOptions] Additional options to use when subscribing.

Publish to a Room

Publish to a local or remote media to a room. The room will be created if a room corresponding to the Room Options passed does not exist. If you have not entered the room via joinRoom or publishToRoom methods then a model for Self will be created.

var options = {
    room: {
        name: 'MyAwesomeRoom',
        alias: 'MyAwesomeRoomAlias' // Not required but if its provided we will use this as the alias instead of pre-generating one for you.
    streamType: 'User',
    memberRole: 'Participant',
    publishToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    mediaConstraints: {audio: true, video: true},
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

roomExpress.publishToRoom(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully published to room
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.publisher) {
        // Do something with publisher


Name Type Description
options (required) Options Options to publish to room with
callback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of publishing to the room


Name Type Default Value Description
room (required) Object Room Options
streamType (required) String Type of stream to publish. See Stream Types
memberRole (required) String Role of member to join room as (used if not already in room). See Member Roles
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to publish with.
mediaConstraints (required) Object Media constraints on the getting the user media. For example - {audio: true, video: true}
userMediaStream (optional) Object alternative to getUserMediaOptions - you can pass user media stream returned from getUserMedia.
streamUri (optional) String alternative to getUserMediaOptions. Use to publish remote media. Link to remote media (mp4, rtmp, etc.)
enableWildcardCapability (optional) (deprecated) bool true Generate wildcard stream tokens to be appended to member’s stream uri. Reduces time for subscribing to published stream.
resolution (optional) number 720 Desired size of the video
frameRate (optional) number 15 Desired frame rate of the video
aspectRatio (optional) string 16x9 Desired aspect ratio of the video
onResolveMedia (optional) function Returns the options that were used to successfully get user media
publishToken (optional) String This token is a publish token that will include all capabilities and access rights to publish.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object Options for monitoring a publisher for failure.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for publishing from a remote source.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream
prerollSkipDuration (optional) int 500 Remote media only. The amount of milliseconds to skip at the beginning of the media.

Publish To Room Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Publish Callback Status Codes
publisher [object Publisher] Phenix publisher object

Publish Screen to a Room

Publish your screen, tab, or application window to a room. The room will be created if a room corresponding to the Room Options passed does not exist. If you have not entered the room via joinRoom or publishToRoom methods then a model for Self will be created.

var options = {
    room: {
      name: 'MyAwesomeRoom',
      alias: 'MyAwesomeRoomAlias' // Not required but if its provided we will use this as the alias instead of pre-generating one for you.
    publishToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    streamType: 'User',
    memberRole: 'Participant',
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

roomExpress.publishScreenToRoom(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully published to room
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.publisher) {
        // Do something with publisher


Name Type Description
options (required) Options Options to publish to room with
callback (required) Function Function to call on success/failure of publishing to the room


Name Type Default Value Description
room (required) Object Room Options
streamType (required) String Type of stream to publish. See Stream Types
memberRole (required) String Role of member to join room as (used if not already in room). See Member Roles
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to publish with.
mediaConstraints (optional) Object {screen: true} Media constraints on the getting the user media.
userMediaStream (optional) Object alternative to getUserMediaOptions - you can pass user media stream returned from getUserMedia.
enableWildcardCapability (optional) (deprecated) bool false Generate wildcard stream tokens to be appended to member’s stream uri. Reduces time for subscribing to published stream.
resolution (optional) number 720 Desired size of the video
frameRate (optional) number 15 Desired frame rate of the video
aspectRatio (optional) string 16x9 Desired aspect ratio of the video
onResolveMedia (optional) function Returns the options that were used to successfully get user media
publishToken (optional) String This token is a publish token that will include all capabilities and access rights to publish.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object {options: {monitorFrameRate: false, videoBitRateThreshold: 1000, conditionCountForNotificationThreshold: 8}} Options for monitoring a publisher for failure.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for publishing from a remote source.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream

Publish Screen To Room Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Publish Callback Status Codes
publisher [object Publisher] Phenix publisher object

Create a Room

Create a room of any type.

var options = {
    room: {
      name: 'MyAwesomeRoom',
      alias: 'MyAwesomeRoomAlias' // Not required but if its provided we will use this as the alias instead of pre-generating one for you.

roomExpress.createRoom(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status === 'already-exists') {
        // Room already exists
        // Do something with roomService
    } else if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully created room
    if (response.status === 'ok' && {
        // Do something with room


Name Type Default Value Description
room (required) Object Room Options

Express Create Room Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Create Room Callback Status Codes
room [object Room] Immutable Phenix room object


The list of features that you would like to support in order of preference. If a feature is not supported for playback on a device OR the published stream does not have that feature enabled (via capabilities) then the SDK will fall back to the next feature.

Default Features

By default, our SDK uses [‘real-time’, ‘dash’, ‘hls’].

Supported Features

Type Description
real-time Use Web RTC for delivery
rtmp Use rtmp (flash player required) for delivery
dash Use dash for delivery (requires MSE support)
hls Use hls for delivery (requires MSE or Native HLS)

Enabling only real time playback

Pass [‘real-time’] as the features to the ChannelExpress or RoomExpress constructor options.

const channelExpress = new{features: ['real-time']});

Digging Deeper - PCast Express

The PCast Express API extends the PCast API to provide a single-step, configuration based API for:

This API is intended to be used as a supplement to the Room Express although it can be used to stream all on its own.


var pcastExpress = new;


Name Type Description
backendUri (required) String URL to your backend. We send requests here to authenticate and get streaming tokens.
authenticationData (required) Object Your authentication data for the user. On every request, this will be sent to your backend through a HTTP POST request and all its attributes would be accessible on the request body.
onError (optional) Function Function to be called when authentication fails or a failure occurs that is unrecoverable.
authToken (optional) String The authentication token generated using the Admin API. If not passed one will be generated automatically by querying the provided backendUri (may happen multiple times depending on the lifetime of the session).
treatBackgroundAsOffline (optional) Boolean Treat background as offline. This is especially useful on iOS browsers where the network connection may be stopped when the browser is in background. This forces a reconnect upon entering foreground which can greatly improve the time to reconnect.
reAuthenticateOnForeground (optional) Boolean Re-authenticate when entering foreground. This will force the session and connection to be revalidated upon entering foreground. This is automatically set to true if the treatBackgroundAsOffline option is enabled.

Get PCast Express from Room Express

Get the underlying instance from an already instantiated Room Express. This is preferred to creating another instance as this will introduce more overhead.

var pcastExpress = roomExpress.getPCastExpress();

Publishing Local Media

Publish local user media:

var options = {
    publishToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    mediaConstraints: {audio: true, video: true},
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

pcastExpress.publish(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully published
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.publisher) {
        // Do something with publisher


Name Type Description
options (required) object Publish options
callback (required) function Callback for error/success handling

Publish options

Name Type Default Value Description
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to publish with.
mediaConstraints (required) Object Media constraints on the getting the user media. For example - {audio: true, video: true}
userMediaStream (optional) Object alternative to mediaConstraints - you can pass user media stream returned from getUserMedia.
resolution (optional) number 720 Desired size for the video equal to the height for landscape and width for portrait aspect ratios.
frameRate (optional) number 15 Desired frame rate for the video
aspectRatio (optional) string 16x9 Desired aspect ratio for the video
onResolveMedia (optional) function Returns the options that were used to successfully get user media
publishToken (optional) String This token is a publish token that will include all capabilities and access rights to publish.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object Options for monitoring a publisher for failure.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for publishing from a remote source.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream

Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Publish Callback Status Codes
publisher [object Publisher] Phenix publisher object

Publishing Remote Media (Ingest)

Publish from remote sources into the Phenix platform. This enables us to distribute your source media using the Phenix platform. After publishing users may subscribe to the stream using either pcast subscribe or express subscribe.

var options = {
    publishToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    streamUri: 'https://routeToMyVideo/video.mp4',
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

pcastExpress.publishRemote(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully published
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.publisher) {
        // Do something with publisher


Name Type Description
options (required) object Publish Remote options
callback (required) function Callback for error/success handling

Publish Remote Options

Name Type Default Value Description
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to publish with.
streamUri (required) String Link to remote media (mp4, rtmp, etc.)
publishToken (optional) String This token is a publish token that will include all capabilities and access rights to publish. To publish from external resource your token need to have publish-uri capability.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for publishing from a remote source.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream
frameRate (optional) Object Frame rate constraints. For example - {max: 30, exact: 30}
prerollSkipDuration (optional) int 500 The amount of milliseconds to skip at the beginning of the media.

Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Publish Callback Status Codes
publisher [object Publisher] Phenix publisher object

Publish a Screen Share

Publish your screen, tab, or application window. This method optimizes the monitoring and delivery of the stream for the typical conditions for screen sharing. Supported on both Firefox and Chrome. See Screen Sharing for more information on support.

var options = {
    streamToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

pcastExpress.publishScreen(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully published
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.publisher) {
        // Do something with publisher


Name Type Description
options (required) object Publish Screen options
callback (required) function Callback for error/success handling

Publish Screen Options

Name Type Default Value Description
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to publish with.
mediaConstraints (optional) Object {screen: true} Media constraints on the getting the user media.
userMediaStream (optional) Object alternative to mediaConstraints - you can pass user media stream returned from getUserMedia.
resolution (optional) number 720 Desired size for the video
frameRate (optional) number 15 Desired frame rate for the video
aspectRatio (optional) string 16x9 Desired aspect ratio for the video
onResolveMedia (optional) function Returns the options that were used to successfully get user media
publishToken (optional) String This token is a publish token that will include all capabilities and access rights to publish.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object {options: {monitorFrameRate: false, videoBitRateThreshold: 1000, conditionCountForNotificationThreshold: 8}} Options for monitoring a publisher for failure.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for publishing from a remote source.
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream

Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Publish Callback Status Codes
publisher [object Publisher] Phenix publisher object

Subscribing to Published Media

Subscribe to streams published with the Phenix platform

var options = {
    streamId: publisher.getStreamId(),
    publishToken: 'DIGEST:...',
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

pcastExpress.subscribe(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully subscribed
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.mediaStream) {
        // Do something with mediaStream

        if (response.renderer) {
            // Returned if videoElement option passed in - Do something with renderer

            response.renderer.on('autoMuted', function handleAutoMuted() {
                // The browser refused to play video with audio therefore the stream was started muted.
                // Handle this case properly in your UI so that the user can unmute its stream

            response.renderer.on('failedToPlay', function handleEnded(reason) {
                if (reason === 'failed-to-play') {
                   // Failed to play media stream
                if (reason === 'failed-to-play-unmuted') {
                    // Failed to play media stream given the auto mute was disabled
                if (reason === 'paused-by-background') {
                    // Unable to resume playback after pause in Safari


Name Type Description
options (required) object Subscribe options
callback (required) function Callback for error/success handling

Subscribe Options

Name Type Default Value Description
streamId (required) String The stream ID of the published stream
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to subscribe with.
streamToken (optional) String A stream token used to connect to the stream.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object Monitor Options
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for subscribing
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream
subscriberOptions (optional) [Object SubscriberOptions] Additional options to use when subscribing.

Sample Monitor Options

var monitorOptions = {
    options: {
        // Optional: Additional options for monitoring a stream

        conditionCountForNotificationThreshold: 4
        // Number of conditions before triggering callback

    callback: function monitorCallback(error, response) {
        // Optional: Handle monitor event

        if (error) {
          // Handle error

        if (response.retry) {
          // Re-connects publisher or subscriber stream

Monitor Options

Name Type Default Value Description
options (optional) Object Additional Monitoring options
callback (optional) Function call function for handling monitor event

Additional Monitoring options

Name Type Default Value Description
conditionCountForNotificationThreshold Number 3 Number of consecutive “conditions” that can occur before the callback is triggered. A condition is counted whenever one of the below thresholds is violated.
frameRateThreshold Number 2 Framerate below which the condition count is incremented (fps)
videoBitRateThreshold Number 6000 Video bitrate below which the condition count is incremented (bps)
audioBitRateThreshold Number 5000 Audio bitrate below which the condition count is incremented (bps)
monitoringInterval Number 4000 When the state is healthy, how often to check the state (milliseconds)
conditionMonitoringInterval Number 1500 After a condition, how often to check the state (milliseconds)
monitorFrameRate Bool true Enable or disable the frameRateThreshold
monitorBitRate Bool true Enable or disable the videoBitRateThreshold and audioBitRateThreshold
monitorState Bool true Enable or disable monitoring of the native state of the RTCPeerConnection

Express Subscribe Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Subscribe Callback Status Codes
mediaStream [object MediaStream] Phenix media stream object
renderer [object Renderer] Optionally returns Phenix renderer if videoElement option is passed in
retry Function Optionally returns a function to retry subscription if unable to start stream

Subscribing to Screen Share

Subscribe to screen share streams published with the Phenix platform. This method optimizes the monitoring and delivery of the stream for the typical conditions for screen sharing.

var options = {
    streamId: publisher.getStreamId(),
    capabilties: [], // Defaults to Real-Time
    videoElement: document.querySelector('#myVideoId')

pcastExpress.subscribe(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully subscribed
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.mediaStream) {
        // Do something with mediaStream

        if (response.renderer) {
            // Returned if videoElement option passed in - Do something with renderer

            response.renderer.on('autoMuted', function handleAutoMuted() {
                // The browser refused to play video with audio therefore the stream was started muted.
                // Handle this case properly in your UI so that the user can unmute its stream

            response.renderer.on('failedToPlay', function handleEnded(reason) {
                if (reason === 'failed-to-play') {
                   // Failed to play media stream
                if (reason === 'failed-to-play-unmuted') {
                    // Failed to play media stream given the auto mute was disabled
                if (reason === 'paused-by-background') {
                    // Unable to resume playback after pause in Safari


Name Type Description
options (required) object Subscribe options
callback (required) function Callback for error/success handling

Subscribe To Screen Share Options

Name Type Default Value Description
streamId (required) String The stream ID of the published stream
capabilities (optional) (deprecated) Array The list of all capabilities to subscribe with.
streamToken (optional) String A stream token used to connect to the stream.
videoElement (optional) html5 video element Video element to attach media stream to. If nothing is passed you may manually attach the media stream to an element.
monitor (optional) Object {options: {monitorFrameRate: false, videoBitRateThreshold: 1000, conditionCountForNotificationThreshold: 8}} Options for monitoring a publisher for failure.
connectOptions (optional) Array of Strings List of options for subscribing
tags (optional) Array of Strings Tags for the stream
subscriberOptions (optional) [Object SubscriberOptions] Additional options to use when subscribing.

Subscribe to Screen Share Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation. See Subscribe Callback Status Codes
mediaStream [object MediaStream] Phenix media stream object
renderer [object Renderer] Optionally returns Phenix renderer if videoElement option is passed in
retry Function Optionally returns a function to retry subscription if unable to start stream

Express Get User Media

Get local user media. Use for more granular control over requesting media and handling failure. We automatically resolve any constraint errors when getting the user media:

var options = {
    mediaConstraints: {audio: true, video: true},
    resolution: 1080,
    frameRate: 30,
    aspectRatio: '4x3'

pcastExpress.getUserMedia(options, function callback(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        // Handle error

    if (response.status !== 'ok') {
        // Handle error

    // Successfully got user media
    if (response.status === 'ok' && response.userMedia) {
        // Do something with userMedia


Name Type Description
options (required) object Publish options
callback (required) function Callback for error/success handling

Get User Media options

Name Type Default Value Description
mediaConstraints (required) Object Media constraints on the getting the user media. For example - {audio: true, video: true}
resolution (optional) number 720 Desired size of the video
frameRate (optional) number 15 Desired frame rate for the video
aspectRatio (optional) string 16x9 Desired aspect ratio for the video
onResolveMedia (optional) function Returns the options that were used to successfully get user media

Callback Arguments

Name Type Description
status String The status of the operation.
userMedia native MediaStream The browser’s native media stream object.

Supported Resolutions

Any resolution may be passed. If we are unable to get the user media at that resolution we will drop to the next closest resolution at that aspect ratio in the table below. We will continue dropping to the next closest resolution until we run out of options or the user media is successfully received. Similarly, when all resolution options at an aspect ratio are exhausted we will attempt to resolve the highest resolution requested at the next lowest aspect ratio.

Aspect Ratio Resolution (Longer dimension) Shorter dimension Description
9x16 3840 2160 4K (UHD)
1920 1080 1080p (FHD)
1366 768
1280 720 720p (HD)
1024 576
854 480 480p
640 360 360p (nHD)
320 180
3x4 1600 1200 UXGA
1440 1080
960 720
800 600 SVGA
768 576
640 480 VGA
480 360
320 240 QVGA
160 120 QQVGA
16x9 2160 3840 4K (UHD)
1080 1920 1080p (FHD)
768 1366
720 1280 720p (HD)
576 1024
480 854 480p
360 640 360p (nHD)
180 320
4x3 1200 1600 UXGA
1080 1440
720 960
600 800 SVGA
576 768
480 640 VGA
360 480
240 320 QVGA
120 160 QQVGA

Supported Frame Rates

60, 30, 15, or any other value. If a frame rate is not resolved we will request media without the frame rate constraint.

Get PCast

Get the underlying instance of the PCast. This is preferred to creating another instance as this will introduce more overhead.

var pcast = pcastExpress.getPCast();

Clean up PCast Express

Dispose of all active connections and clean up all handlers.

var pcastExpress = pcastExpress.dispose();

Admin API Proxy

Used for requesting Streaming tokens and Authentication tokens.

const adminApiProxyClient = new;

HTTP Based Requests

By default we send HTTP requests to retrieve Streaming and Authentication tokens.

Name Signature Returns Default
getBackendUri () string
setBackendUri (uri) void
getEndpointPaths () [Object EndpointPaths] Default Endpoints
setEndpointPaths ([Object EndpointPaths]) void
getAuthenticationData () [Object]
setAuthenticationData ([Object]) void
getAuthenticationDataLocationInPayload () string ‘body’
setAuthenticationDataLocationInPayload (location) string

Backend Uri

Url to your backend. We send a request here to authenticate and get streaming tokens.


const backendUri = adminApiProxyClient.getBackendUri();

Endpoint Paths

Paths to request Streaming and Authentication tokens from.

adminApiProxyClient.setEndpointPaths({createStreamTokenPath: '/phenix/stream', createAuthTokenPath: '/phenix/auth'});

const endPointPaths = adminApiProxyClient.getEndpointPaths();

[object EndpointPaths]

Name Type Default Value Description
createStreamTokenPath (required) String ‘/stream’ The endpoint to request a stream token from.
createAuthTokenPath (required) String ‘/auth’ The endpoint to request an auth token from.

Authentication Data

Your authentication data for the user. We add this on every request made. You may use any of the Locations in the http payload.

adminApiProxyClient.setAuthenticationData({userName: 'myUserName', password: 'UserPassword'});

const authenticationData = adminApiProxyClient.getAuthenticationData();

Authentication Data Location in Payload

Location of the authentication data in the HTTP payload.


const location = adminApiProxyClient.getAuthenticationDataLocationInPayload();

Locations in Payload

Location Description
body Add the authenticationData object to the body of the request
header Add the authenticationData object as headers

Custom Requests

Provide tokens using your own mechanism. Use this if you are pre-generating tokens and providing them to your users.

Name Signature Returns Default
getRequestHandler () function null
setRequestHandler (function) void
adminApiProxyClient.setRequestHandler(function handleRequestCallback(requestType, data, callback) {
    myCustomTokenFactory.createToken(type, data).then(token => {
        return callback(token);

const requestHandler = adminApiProxyClient.getRequestHandler();


Name Type Description
handleRequestCallback (required) Function Handler for token generation. This function is called every time a new token is needed.

Handle Request Callback

Name Type Description
requestType String Which token to generate.
data [Object] The data needed to generate the token. Matches the API for generating stream tokens or generating auth tokens.
callback Function The callback to call with the requested token.

Request Type

Type Description
auth Generate an auth token.
stream Generate a stream token.

Web Examples

You can find our Web examples on GitHub.

Channel Publisher

A simple example that shows how to publish to a channel using the Phenix Web SDK.

Native GUM Channel Publisher

An advanced example that shows how to publish a native GetUserMedia stream to a channel using the Phenix Web SDK. This allows, for example, to publish a portrait video in browsers that support capturing with the corresponding GetUserMedia constraints.

Channel Viewer 2

A simple example that shows how to view a channel using the Phenix Web SDK 2.

Channel Viewer

A simple example that shows how to view a channel using the Phenix Web SDK.

Embedded Channel Frame

A simple example that shows how to view a channel using the Embedded Channel.