- How is Phenix real-time streaming different from off the shelf WebRTC?
- How does Phenix scale WebRTC to millions?
- What is the difference between a CDN and Phenix?
- What is the difference between a Channel and a Room?
- Does Phenix encrypt its Real-Time streams?
- How does Phenix define Real-Time vs Low Latency?
- How does Phenix compare with technologies such as CMAF?
- On which cloud platforms is the Phenix platform deployed?
- What is the recommended minimum hardware spec for devices to publish from a web browser to Phenix?
- What WebSocket reconnect mechanisms are built into the Web SDK?
- What are the benefits of the Phenix hardware encoder?
- How does Phenix multi-bitrate transcoding work and how do I enable it?
- What bitrates are used for encoding and publishing?
- How does Phenix adapt to challenging network connections?
- How does Phenix handle rapid join rates and broadcast size audiences?
- Where can I see the status of the Phenix system?
- When do sessions and sessionIds expire?
- What is the digest field portion of the Auth token?
- Which video players support Phenix?
- Which capture devices are compatible with Phenix?
- Where can I find documentation of the text chat feature?
- What size and bitrate should I use for publishing?
- Does Phenix provide a video player?
- What effects will 5G have on Phenix?
- Does Phenix support React Native?
- Does Phenix support emojis?