Transformation API
APIs for the composition and transcoding of streams
Creating a Composition # Copied URL
This API allows for composition of a single stream from multiple streams
Creating a Composition Request # Copied URL
Send a POST
request to /pcast/composition
endpoint as shown:
POST /pcast/composition HTTP / 1.1
Host :
Accept : application/json
Content-Type : application/json
Content-Length : 524
Authorization : Basic YXBwbGljYXRpb25JZDpzZWNyZXQ=
"composition" : {
"type" : "<compositionType>" ,
"streams" : [
"streamId" : "<streamId1>" ,
"offset" : {
"anchor" : "TopLeft" ,
"x" : 0 ,
"y" : 0
"width" : 640 ,
"height" : 480
"streamId" : "<streamId2>"
"capabilities" : [ "multi-bitrate" ],
"tags" : [ "<tag1>" , "<tag2>" ]
The Content-Length header is automatically populated by curl. If
using another method to access the API, you must calculate and populate the
Content-Length header.
Request Fields
Field Description composition (required) See Composition object below tags (optional) Tags for the Composition stream credentials (optional) The preferred way of passing the credentials is with HTTP authentication header . Alternatively they can be passed in the request body .
Composition Object
Field Description type (required) Type of composition that need to be applied. See Composition types below. streams (required) Array of streams that need to be composed. See Stream Object below. capabilities See Composition Capabilities below
Composition Types
Field Description PictureInPicture Main stream is displayed on the full screen and other streams are displayed in inset windows. The main stream is the first stream of all streams.
Stream Object
Field Description streamId (required) The stream ID of the the input. offset (optional) The offset of the input video relative to the composition canvas. See Offset Object below. width (optional) The width of the input on the composition canvas. height (optional) The height of the input on the composition canvas.
Offset Object
Field Description anchor (optional) The anchor for the offset. See Anchor Object below. x (optional) The horizontal offset relative to the anchor. y (optional) The vertical offset relative to the anchor.
Anchor Object
Value Description TopLeft Anchor relative to top left corner. TopRight Anchor relative to top right corner. BottomLeft Anchor relative to bottom left corner. BottomRight Anchor relative to bottom right corner. Center Anchor relative to the center.
Composition Capabilities
Value Description prefer-h264 Output H.264 stream if possible prefer-vp8 Output VP8 stream if possible multi-bitrate Multi bitrate stream multi-bitrate-codec=vp8 Multi bitrate VP8 stream multi-bitrate-codec=h264 Multi bitrate H.264 stream uld Output Ultra low definition - 80kbps stream vld Output Very low definition - 350kbps stream ld Output Low definition - 520kbps stream sd Output Standard definition - 830kbps - default stream hd Output High definition - 1600kbps stream fhd Output Full high definition - 3000kbps stream xhd Output Extended high definition - 5500kbps stream
Creating a Composition Response # Copied URL
The platform will return a successful response that contains a "status" field. The HTTP status code is set according to the "status" field.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length : 85
{ "status" : "ok" , "compositionId" : "us-central#us-central1-c.8q9rSY86.20180412.CCiaENCV" }
Create Composition API Response fields
Field Description status See status codes below compositionId ID of the composed stream
Create Composition API Status Codes
HTTP Status Retry Description 200 OK ok never Composition was successfully created. 400 Bad Request varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 401 Unauthorized unauthorized never The streaming platform was not able to authorize the provided credentials. 4XX varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 503 Service Unavailable capacity once The system is temporarily overloaded. Please try again later. 5XX varies once immediately, then exponential backoff A transient server error.
Error Responses Please be aware that some server errors 5XX and request validation errors 400
and 401 may result in an arbitrary response body not encoded in JSON.
Updating a Composition # Copied URL
This API allows for modifying a composition created above.
Updating a Composition Request # Copied URL
Send a PUT
request to /pcast/composition
endpoint as shown:
PUT /pcast/composition/<compositionId> HTTP / 1.1
Host :
Accept : application/json
Content-Type : application/json
Content-Length : 319
Authorization : Basic YXBwbGljYXRpb25JZDpzZWNyZXQ=
"streams" : [
"streamId" : "<streamId1>" ,
"offset" : {
"anchor" : "TopLeft" ,
"x" : 0 ,
"y" : 0
"width" : 640 ,
"height" : 480
"streamId" : "<streamId2>"
The Content-Length header is automatically populated by curl. If
using another method to access the API, you must calculate and populate the
Content-Length header.
Request Fields
Field Description compositionId (required) The ID of the composition. streams (required) Array of streams that need to be composed. See Stream Object below. credentials (optional) The preferred way of passing the credentials is with HTTP authentication header . Alternatively they can be passed in the request body .
Stream Object
Field Description streamId (required) The stream ID of the the input. offset (optional) The offset of the input video relative to the composition canvas. See Offset Object below. width (optional) The width of the input on the composition canvas. height (optional) The height of the input on the composition canvas.
Offset Object
Field Description anchor (optional) The anchor for the offset. See Anchor Object below. x (optional) The horizontal offset relative to the anchor. y (optional) The vertical offset relative to the anchor.
Anchor Object
Value Description TopLeft Anchor relative to top left corner. TopRight Anchor relative to top right corner. BottomLeft Anchor relative to bottom left corner. BottomRight Anchor relative to bottom right corner. Center Anchor relative to the center.
Updating a Composition Response # Copied URL
The platform will return a successful response that contains a "status" field. The HTTP status code is set according to the "status" field.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length : 15
{ "status" : "ok" }
Update Composition API Response fields
Field Description status See status codes below
Update Composition API Status Codes
HTTP Status Retry Description 200 OK ok never Composition was successfully updated. 400 Bad Request varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 401 Unauthorized unauthorized never The streaming platform was not able to authorize the provided credentials. 404 Not Found not-found never The composition stream does not exist. 4XX varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 503 Service Unavailable capacity once The system is temporarily overloaded. Please try again later. 5XX varies once immediately, then exponential backoff A transient server error.
Error Responses Please be aware that some server errors 5XX and request validation errors 400
and 401 may result in an arbitrary response body not encoded in JSON.
Deleting a Composition # Copied URL
This API allows for deletion of a composition stream
Deleting a Composition Request # Copied URL
request to /pcast/composition/<urlEncodedCompositionlId>
endpoint as shown:
DELETE /pcast/composition/<urlEncodedCompositionId> HTTP / 1.1
Host :
Accept : application/json
Content-Type : application/json
Content-Length : 28
Authorization : Basic YXBwbGljYXRpb25JZDpzZWNyZXQ=
"reason" : "<reason>"
Encoding Composition ID may contain characters that are unsafe for URLs. Be sure to
encode the CompositionlId in the URL path. For example, the URL encoding of
is us-central%23us-central
Request Fields
Field Description reason (optional) Reason for deleting the composition credentials (optional) The preferred way of passing the credentials is with HTTP authentication header . Alternatively they can be passed in the request body .
Deleting a Composition Response # Copied URL
The platform will return a successful response that contains a "status" field. The HTTP status code is set according to the "status" field.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length : 15
{ "status" : "ok" }
Delete Composition API Response fields
Field Description status See status codes below
Delete Composition API Status Codes
HTTP Status Retry Description 200 OK ok never Composition was successfully deleted. 400 Bad Request varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 401 Unauthorized unauthorized never The streaming platform was not able to authorize the provided credentials. 404 Not Found not-found never The composition stream does not exist. 409 Conflict already-deleted never The composition is already deleted. 410 Gone already-deleted never The stream has already ended. 410 Gone already-ended never The stream has already ended. 410 Gone resource-unavailable never The stream has already ended. 4XX varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 503 Service Unavailable capacity once The system is temporarily overloaded. Please try again later. 5XX varies once immediately, then exponential backoff A transient server error.
Error Responses Please be aware that some server errors 5XX and request validation errors 400
and 401 may result in an arbitrary response body not encoded in JSON.
Start Transcoding # Copied URL
This API allows for transcoding an ongoing stream.
Start Transcoding Request # Copied URL
Send a POST
request to /pcast/transcoding
endpoint as shown:
POST /pcast/transcoding HTTP / 1.1
Host :
Accept : application/json
Content-Type : application/json
Content-Length : 210
Authorization : Basic YXBwbGljYXRpb25JZDpzZWNyZXQ=
"transcoding" : {
"type" : "DASH" ,
"originStreamId" : "<streamId>" ,
"onDemand" : true ,
"audioOnly" : false ,
"capabilities" : [ "<capability1>" , "<capability2>" ],
"quality" : "hd" ,
"tags" : [ "<tag1>" , "<tag2>" ]
Request Fields
Field Description transcoding (required) See Transcoding object below credentials (optional) The preferred way of passing the credentials is with HTTP authentication header . Alternatively they can be passed in the request body .
Transcoding Object
Field Description type (required) Format the stream will be transcoded to. See Transcoding types below. originStreamId (required) ID of the Stream that will be transcoded onDemand (optional) Persist the transcoded live stream for on-demand playback. The stream features the same capabilities as the adaptive multi-bit rate live stream and can be accessed time delayed. audioOnly (optional) Transcode audio only stream. This is mutually exclusive with videoOnly
. videoOnly (optional) Transcode video only stream. This is mutually exclusive with audioOnly
. capabilities (optional) Capabilities for the Transcoded streamquality (optional) See Transcoding qualities below tags (optional) Tags for the Transcoded stream
Transcoding Types
Field Description DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP HLS HTTP Live Streaming
Transcoding Qualities
Field Description uld Output Ultra low definition - 80kbps stream vld Output Very low definition - 350kbps stream ld Output Low definition - 520kbps stream sd Output Standard definition - 830kbps - default stream hd Output High definition - 1600kbps stream fhd Output Full high definition - 3000kbps stream xhd Output Extended high definition - 5500kbps stream
Start Transcoding Response # Copied URL
The platform will return a successful response that contains a "status" field. The HTTP status code is set according to the "status" field.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length : 85
{ "status" : "ok" , "transcodingId" : "us-central#us-central1-c.8q9rSY86.20180412.PNGRcHO8" }
Start Transcoding API Response fields
Field Description status See status codes below transcodingId ID of the transcoded stream
Start Transcoding API Status Codes
HTTP Status Retry Description 200 OK ok never Transcoding was successfully created. 400 Bad Request varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 401 Unauthorized unauthorized never The streaming platform was not able to authorize the provided credentials. 409 Conflict already-exists never 4XX varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 503 Service Unavailable capacity once The system is temporarily overloaded. Please try again later. 5XX varies once immediately, then exponential backoff A transient server error.
Error Responses Please be aware that some server errors 5XX and request validation errors 400
and 401 may result in an arbitrary response body not encoded in JSON.
Stop Transcoding # Copied URL
This API allows for stopping the transcoding of a stream.
Stop Transcoding Request # Copied URL
request to /pcast/transcoding/<urlEncodedTranscodingId>
endpoint as shown:
DELETE /pcast/transcoding/<urlEncodedTranscodingId> HTTP / 1.1
Host :
Accept : application/json
Content-Type : application/json
Content-Length : 28
Authorization : Basic YXBwbGljYXRpb25JZDpzZWNyZXQ=
"reason" : "<reason>"
Encoding Transcoding ID may contain characters that are unsafe for URLs. Be sure to
encode the TranscodingId in the URL path. For example, the URL encoding of
is us-central%23us-central
Request Fields
Field Description reason (optional) Reason for deleting the transcoded stream credentials (optional) The preferred way of passing the credentials is with HTTP authentication header . Alternatively they can be passed in the request body .
Stop Transcoding Response # Copied URL
The platform will return a successful response that contains a "status" field. The HTTP status code is set according to the "status" field.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length : 15
{ "status" : "ok" }
Stop Transcoding API Response fields
Field Description status See status codes below
Delete Transcoding API Status Codes
HTTP Status Retry Description 200 OK ok never Transcoding was successfully deleted. 400 Bad Request varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 401 Unauthorized unauthorized never The streaming platform was not able to authorize the provided credentials. 409 Conflict already-deleted never The Transcoding is already deleted. 4XX varies never Indicates an issue with the request. 503 Service Unavailable capacity once The system is temporarily overloaded. Please try again later. 5XX varies once immediately, then exponential backoff A transient server error.
Error Responses Please be aware that some server errors 5XX and request validation errors 400
and 401 may result in an arbitrary response body not encoded in JSON.